Helpful Before and After Tips for Sugaring or Waxing Services
Hair needs to be at least 1/8 inch long for sugaring (about 2 to 3 weeks growth) and ¼ inch for waxing (about 3 to 4 weeks growth).
For your 1st bikini / brazilian trim to no less than ¼ inch if you have long hair.
Do NOT tan 24 hours before or after sugaring or waxing.
No exercise/heating up the body for 24 hours after bikini, brazilian, chest or back.
No hot tubs for 24 hours after waxing or sugaring service.
For facial sugaring, please let me know if you are using any acne medications. I do not recommend sugaring for clients on Accutane.
Taking Advil before sugaring might help reduce pain or inflammation for sugaring or waxing.
48 hour after your hair removal service exfoliate and moisturize often.
Are you prone to ingrown hairs? Talk to me about treatment/service options.
There are a few basic things you can do to reduce and get rid of ingrown hairs. First a foremost, exfoliate! Using a natural bristle body brush, exfoliating cloth or brush, or body scrub two to three times per week you’ll keep dead skin cells from trapping new hair growth under your skin. The second step is to keep your skin healthy and moisturized. A good rule of thumb is, whenever your skin gets wet (after every shower or bath) moisturize.
If you find your ingrown are painful and pustule, try spot treating the area with an antibacterial like Skin Solutions Herbal Antibacterial to disinfect and help draw out the inflammation.
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